Interpretation of Borehole Tides and Other Elastomechanical Oscillatory Phenomena in Geothermal Systems

Authors: G. Bodvarsson
Conference: Stanford Geothermal Workshop Session: Modeling
Year: 1977 Language: English
Abstract: Ultra low to low-frequency oscillatory phenomena of elastomechanical nature have been observed in a number of geothermal areas. pressure and water level oscillations in the tidal frequency range lo-í+ Hz (White, 1968), flow oscillations at around Bjornsson, 1976) and ground noise in the range 10-l to 10 Hz (Douze and Sorrel, 1972). on the underlying geothermal systems which is of both theoretical and practical interest. aspects relating to the interpretation of oscillatory field data with the main emphasis on borehole tides. These include to Hz (Bodvarsson and The presence of such oscillations conveys certain information
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