Techno-economic Analysis in Developing Low to Intermediate Temperature Geothermal System in the Eastern Region of Indonesia

Authors: Nevi WINOFA, Jessica STEPHANI, Jantiur SITUMORANG, Muchamad HARRY
Keywords: low to intermediate temperature system, high temperature pump, electricity tariff, BPP, eastern region of Indonesia
Conference: Stanford Geothermal Workshop Session: General
Year: 2021 Language: English
Abstract: The Government of Indonesia has started to expand geothermal energy development in the Eastern Indonesia region to achieve the country's target in 2025. Despite its enormous potential, the Eastern Indonesia region has distinctive fundamental challenges compared to other regions, primarily in engineering design, as the region is dominated by low to intermediate temperature systems. That leads to sluggish geothermal development in those areas. The study aims to provide techno-economic analysis of the low to intermediate temperature geothermal system in Indonesia's eastern area. Some solutions are suggested, namely high-temperature pumps and binary power plant technology, to exploit low-medium temperature systems with specific regard to Eastern Indonesia's context of technology and challenges. To that end, a set of models will be generated to deliver resources assessment of generation capacity, production capacity in MW/well, and the number of wells. Finally, the result will be integrated with the financial analysis to allow a better understanding of commercially viable development approaches for the aforementioned geothermal systems by comparing generation tariff results to the current government tariff in Indonesia. The resource and financial model were simulated using Monte Carlo and JIWA System. The following conclusions can be drawn from this study. Firstly, the production capacity median of eastern Indonesia's low to intermediate temperature system lies between 2.5 MW - 8.9 MW/well, limited to this study data. Secondly, there is a high chance that 65% of those projects are feasible to be developed within the required tariff from Indonesia's government, mostly contributed from temperature ranging 145 oC - 230 oC with Productivity Index (PI) at least in low classes at 2 (kg/s-bar). Thirdly, the temperature is the primary indication to deliver the most significant influence among all parameters of area, PI, CAPEX, and OPEX. To conclude, it is identified that the development of low to intermediate geothermal systems in the eastern part of Indonesia can be technically feasible and economically attractive.
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