A Novel Method for Boron Determination in Rock Thin Sections: First Results from Ngawha

Authors: Vickridge, I.C., Sheppard, D.S. and Tulloch, A.J.
Conference: New Zealand Geothermal Workshop Session: Geology / Hydrology
Year: 1994 Language: English
Geo Location:
Abstract: Previous studies of boron in New Zealand rocks have relied on whole analyses, In order to gain more detailed knowledge of the sources of boron in rocks, we have developed a nuclear probe technique based on nuclear reaction. The technique performs well on powdered USGS standardsdown to below 10 wt. ppm, and we have applied it with a proton beam focused down to 25 x on a hydrothermally unaltered near Ngawha, Northland. There appears to be little variation the boron concentrations the sedimentary groundmass, but in the veins the boron appears to be more concentrated in the prehnite thanin the quartz.
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