Status of Compliance with the Geothermal Reporting Code

Authors: Jim Lawless, Graeme Beardsmore, Malcolm Ward, Fiona Holgate and Graham Jeffress
Keywords: Geothermal, resources, reserves, compliance, Australia
Conference: Australian Geothermal Energy Conference Session:
Year: 2010 Language: English
Abstract: The Australian Geothermal Reporting Code has now been in operation since late 2008. The Code currently operates on a voluntary basis and as yet has no legal status or sanctions. However, in late 2008 AGEA members agreed that its use in Public Reports would be mandatory for them and a Compliance Subcommittee (currently comprising the above authors) was established. The Subcommittee has since reviewed all Public Reports that we have become aware of to check for compliance. This paper presents an analysis of instances of non-compliance broken into several categories but without identification of the companies concerned. In each case the company concerned was informally notified about the issue. In general there has been a high level of willingness to comply with the Code and companies have responded positively to any issues raised. Most instances of non-compliance have been of a procedural nature such as omitting to include Competent Person statements in public presentations which include resource estimates. The experience gained has been valuable and has been taken into account in drawing up the Second Edition of the Code and its accompanying Lexicon. Other jurisdictions have been studying the Australian Code which has led to an almost identical Code being established in Canada. It is currently understood that consideration is also being given to equivalent Codes in the USA and Europe. The benefits of the Australian Code are being appreciated even in countries where it has no formal standing and Code compliant reports have recently been produced on resources in Chile and Indonesia.
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