Seismic Attribute Analysis of the 3-D Depth-Migrated Image and Its Correlation with the Induced Microseismicity

Authors: Jaya, M. S., Buske, S., Kummerow, J., Reshetnikov, A. and Shapiro, S.
Keywords: Microseismicity, seismic migration image, seismic attribute analysis
Conference: World Geothermal Congress Session: 13. Geophysics
Year: 2010 Language: English
Geo Location:
Abstract: In this paper the use of seismic attributes calculated from depth-migrated seismic data has been employed. The goal applying seismic attribute analysis is to enhance subtle amplitudes resulted from 3-D depth seismic migration and to obtain a clear mutual correlation with microseismic events. The interpretation of fault geometries associated with microseismic events calculated in the region proved to be more feasible using seismic attributes. In the data set investigated in this work, features of particular interest are two dominant fault systems encountered at about 7.2 and 4.0 km depths. Both, strong (hereafter called SE1, at 7.2 km depth) and weak (hereafter called SE2, at 4.0 km depth) faults are more evident in the seismic attribute representation. In addition, using such a representation, it is possible to develop the further interpretation of complex fault systems encountered at about 3.5-7.2 km depths which probably constitutes the regional tectonics. The joint representation of seismic attributes and microseismic events has proven to be able to provide further evidence of this correlation.
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