Sampling and Analytical Methods Development at the HGP-A Generator Facility

Authors: Thomas, Donald M.
Keywords: Brine Technology; Power Generation; USA; Hawaii; Honolulu; Brine; Sulfide; Silica; Phase Relations; Steam; Turbine; Cooling Tower; Pressure; pH; Injection
Conference: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions Session: Brine chemistry; Fluid sampling
Year: 1982 Language: English
Geo Location:
Abstract: During shakedown operation for the HGP-A generator plant sampling and analytical problems were encountered during the process chemistry monitoring effort. Acid preservation of brine for cation analysis required the use of nitrous oxide acetylene flame for accurate A-A analysis of calcium. Analysis of gases for carbonate and sulfide was by specific ion electrode and alkalinity method and corrections of sulfide were required. Sulfide also interfered with chloride analyses in the steam phase requiring removal of the sulfide by boiling. Analysis of dissolved silica in the brine was complicated by the presence of colloidal silica which produced erratic analytical results. An accurate evaluation of the hydrogen sulfide abatement system was possible only when the hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the treated and untreated steam were compared with a second component in the stream phase that was unaffected by caustic injection.
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