Application of Roving Bipole-Dipole Mapping Method to the Chingshui Geothermal Area, Taiwan

Authors: Ching-Ray Lee; Ching-Fang Lee; Weng-Tse Cheng
Keywords: Exploration; Taiwan; Chingshui; Geophysical Surveys; Electrical Conductivity
Conference: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions Session: Exploration; Geophysical surveys; Resistivity surveys
Year: 1980 Language: English
Geo Location:
Abstract: The roving bipole-dipole mapping method was used to explore the Chingshui geothermal area in Taiwan in 1978. This method was basically modified from single bipole-dipole mapping. Four pairs of current bipoles intersecting one another at 45 degrees were set up at the same station, and two pairs of receiving dipoles perpendicular to each other were used to observe potential differences at the field station. Two marked anomalies including surface geothermal manifestation and a blind region were delineated form the average resistivity and resistivity anisotropy pattern obtained be this method. Although more complicated procedure has to be taken in data reduction, it clearly revels that this method is superior to single bipole-dipole mapping method in defining the resistivity boundaries and predicating fracture zones at depth.
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