Optimizations of Geothermal Cycle Shell and Tube Exchangers of Various Configurations with Variable Fluid Properties and Site Specific Fouling

Authors: Pope, W. L.; Pines, H. S.; Silvester, L. F.; Doyle, P. A.; Fulton, R. L.; Green, M. A.
Keywords: Power Generation; Binary Cycle; Economics; Thermodynamics; Scaling; Heat Exchangers
Conference: Geothermal Resources Council Transactions Session: Software; Heat exchangers; Economics; Computer modeling; Sca
Year: 1978 Language: English
Abstract: A new heat exchanger design program, SIZEHX, is described. This program allows single step multiparameter cost optimizations on single phase or supercritical exchanger arrays with variable properties and arbitrary fouling for a multitude of matrix configurations and fluids. SIZEHX uses a simplify form on Tinker's method for characterization of shell side performance; the Starling modified BWR equation for thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons; and transport properties developed by NBS. The report will include results of four parameter cost optimizations on exchangers for specific geothermal applications. The relative mix of capital cost, pumping cost, and brine cost ($/Btu) are determined for geothermal exchangers of the optimal cost distribution for fixed unit costs.
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