Aquifer Storage of Waste Heat Arising from a Gas and Steam Cogeneration Plant - Concept and First Operating Experience

Authors: Frank Kabus, Frank Hoffmann and Gerd Mˆllmann
Keywords: ATES; Waste heat; Gas and Steam Cogeneration Plant
Conference: World Geothermal Congress Session: 15. Integrated Energy Systems, Cascaded Uses
Year: 2005 Language: English
Geo Location:
Abstract: An aquifer for storage of the waste heat arising from the gas and steam cogeneration plant of the Neubrandenburger Stadtwerke GmbH (public utilities) was installed and comissioned in 2004. The plant is based on the wells and surface installations of a geothermal heating plant which has been operated since 1987 using Hettangian and Upper Postera aquifers at a depth between 1,200 and 1,300 m. After retrofitting, the waste heat arising from the cogeneration plant in summer at a temperature of 80 ?C and amounting to approx. 4 MW will be stored in the subsoil. In the next winter, this heat will serve to supply the base load of a district heat supply network with a connected load of 12 MW.
This paper describes the plant concept and presents first operating data of the phase of commissioning.
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